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Please call 303-982-3051 and leave a message when:

  • Your student will be absent from one or more classes. Your message is needed to excuse the absence.
  • Your student will be picked up during the school day. Please include the date and time your student needs to be released from class in your message.

Pre-Arranged Absences

When families know in advance that their student will miss class time during the school year, we ask that they complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form. The form includes space for each teacher to indicate any work that will be missed. The form should be completed and submitted to the main office no later than three days prior to the scheduled absence. 

In order for the absence to be excused, the student must meet one or more of the following conditions: 1) is in good academic standing; 2) has no unexcused absences, or 3) has four or fewer excused absences in a semester or seven or fewer in a school year.

Arriving and Leaving

All students will enter the building at the main entrance doors.

Students may arrive or leave on foot, by car, or by bus. Bicycles and skateboards must be walked once on campus; there is a rack by the front doors to secure bicycles. The vehicle drop-off lanes are different in the morning and afternoon. The AM Drop-Off and PM Pick-Up diagrams may be found under School Publications on our Family Resources page.

Students arriving after 9:00 am should be accompanied by an adult family member to the main entrance and ring the doorbell (building entry buzzer) at the far right of the front doors. The adult will need to sign the student in at the office.

If you need to pick up your student during the school day, please call the main office at 303-982-3056 with the date and time your student needs to be released. When the adult picking up your student arrives, they should ring the doorbell (building entry buzzer) at the far right of the staff doors. Please plan to pick up your student before 3:15 PM. Picking up a student after this time may prevent an expedient departure due to busses.

The school day ends at 3:45 pm. We highly recommend that families picking up students that are not riding the bus come to West Jeff Middle after 4:05 PM. The significant amount of traffic created by picking up students moves much better after the busses leave.

Illness and Attendance

If your student becomes ill during the school day, they may ask their teacher for a pass to the health room. You will receive a call from the school (303-982-3056) if your student needs to be picked up. If your student calls, texts, or otherwise contacts you during the day to inform you that they are ill and want to be picked up, please direct them to go to the school health room.

To report a student's absence, families may use the Absence Request Tool in Infinite Campus Parent Portal or the Campus Parent app, or call the attendance line (303-982-3051) and leave a message to excuse the absence.

To notify the school when a student needs an early release, please call the attendance line (303-982-3051) with the date and time your student needs to be released. To pick up a student on campus, ring the doorbell and a staff member will buzz you in. Please proceed directly to the office to sign out your student.

To sign in learners arriving on campus after 9:00 am, please accompany your student to the main entrance and ring the doorbell. A staff member will buzz you in. Please proceed directly to the office to sign in your student. Students tardy to classes after arrival can only be excused for outside appointments or excused by a staff member.

For additional guidance or situations that fall outside those described above, please call the main office at 303-982-3056.

Attendance in Jeffco

The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.

It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.