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Students take two kinds of standardized tests at our school, MAP and CMAS.

Measures of Academic Progress, abbreviated as MAP, is given three times a year. MAP testing gives immediate feedback on students' growth for teachers and families. Its publisher, NWEA, has made sample questions and samples of how tools work on their MAP Test Warm-up page and offers a Family Toolkit.

CMAS, Colorado Measures of Academic Success, is currently only administered once per school year. CMAS and MAP give a snapshot of student performance. Students in all grades take CMAS tests in Math and English Language Arts/Literacy. 8th grade students take the CMAS test in Science, and, in years we are selected to do so, 7th grade students take the CMAS test in Social Studies. Pearson has made student tutorials available for the CMAS tests at various grade levels on their Student Practice Resources page.

Assessments in Jeffco

Assessments inform instruction and monitor student progress. Assessments should:

  • Add value to the student learning experience.
  • Engage families in supporting their students.
  • Help identify strengths, interests and opportunities for growth for all students.

A collection of assessment results can be used to help set goals, identify priorities and inform equity of access to grade-level learning.

Individual schools determine which additional assessments will support their specific student population’s learning. Each school will select specific dates within the district-provided assessment windows.

Some assessments are required by federal or state law; see information regarding state assessment participation. Families can refuse participation in state assessments for their students. Contact your student's school if you have questions about test refusals.

How to View Assessment Data on Student Insights Jeffco Elementary Assessment Schedule Jeffco Secondary Assessment Schedule