Library & Research
Our 7900 item collection encompasses fiction, nonfiction, reference, audiobooks and videos, a professional collection, and classroom technology. The library space includes 12 workstations, an Innovation Lab where students can collaborate in small groups at tables with large video displays, tables with seating for 54 on the west side of the library, and tables with seating for 8 on the east side of the library.
We try to keep the library open as much as possible during the school day.
Catalog and Placing Holds
You can come into the LMC to find a book, or place a hold and have it delivered.
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books! Please complete the Battle of Book Google Form to sign-up your team.
Accessing eBooks
Our students may access a selection of eBooks anywhere they have an internet connection two ways, via our MackinVIA and Follett Shelf .