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Bell Schedule

WJMS 2024-25 Bell Schedule:

Bell Schedule

P1 8:45 - 9:41

P2 9:45 - 10:41

Advise 10:45 - 11:10 

Lunch A

11:10 - 11:45


11:14 - 12:11


11:49 - 12:45

Lunch B

12:11 - 12:46


12:15 - 1:11


12:49 - 1:45

Lunch C

1:11 - 1:46

P5 1:49 - 2:45

P6 2:49 - 3:45

Students may bring their own snacks and lunch. They must be kept in the student's locker until snack or lunch time. No microwaves are available to heat up food.

All 6th grade students have Lunch A. 7th and 8th grade students' lunch periods are based on students' 4th period teachers.

2024-25 Trimester 2 Lunch Schedule:

  • Lunch A: all 6th grade
  • Lunch B: Hills, Malcolm, Peel, PIckard,  Sage, Wheeler, Windon
  • Lunch C: Cushing, Fisher, Hodges, Little, Ogden, Wooldridge

Two-Hour Delay Schedule

WJMS 2024-25 Two-Hour Delay Schedule:

Two-Hour Delay Schedule

P1 10:45 - 11:25

P2 11:30 - 12:10

Lunch A

12:10 - 12:45

12:15 - 12:55


12:50 - 1:30

Lunch B

12:55 - 1:30


1:00 - 1:40

1:35 - 2:15

Lunch C

1:40 - 2:15

P5 2:20 - 3:00

P6 3:05 - 3:45