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Parent-Teacher Conferences

We offer families an opportunity to meet with their student’s teachers in October for the first trimester and January or February for the second trimester.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences will take place IN-PERSON on Thursday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Conference times are as follows:

  • Thursday, October 10, 4:30-8p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 15, 4:30-8:30 p.m.

Conferences can be scheduled on the SignUpGenius for October 10 and the SignUpGenius for October 15. You may select your student's core teachers by subject area on the tabs at the top of the SignUpGenius page. Meetings are scheduled in 7-minute intervals with teachers. Any times teachers are not available will be indicated on the SignUpGenius.

The SignUpGenius closes the day before conferences to allow schedules to be prepared for teachers. If you see available conference slots after the signup closes and want to sign up for one of those slots, please email digital teacher-librarian Amy Baker to make arrangements. If you have a specific concern(s) you wish to discuss at conferences, please e-mail the teacher to ensure your message gets to them. Any comments left with a booking in SignUpGenius are visible to the public. If you would like to problem-solve and/or discuss ways to support your student's learning, please email to meet with one of our counselors.