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PTA Social Events

Events for our students that require a permission slip are listed on this page. PTA-organized activities are announced in the Weekly Wednesday Update throughout the school year.

Fall Fest

The Fall Fest will take place on Friday, September 27, 2024 from 4:15 - 5:30 pm. Admission is free and includes light snacks. There will be a photo booth, a DJ, face painting, games, and a goodie booth with party items for sale from .50 to $5. A signed permission slip is required for entry.

A SignUpGenius link for adult volunteers to help with event setup, chaperoning, and post-event cleanup is available here: Volunteer at Fall Fest

Fall Fest Leaf Logo

Snow Glow

The Snow Glow dance will take place on [DAY OF WEEK], [MONTH] [DD] from [TIME] - [TIME pm. Admission is [COST] and includes [FOOD OR DRINK]. There will be a photo booth, a DJ, and [ADDITIONAL FEATURES]. A signed permission slip is required for entry.

  • Snow Glow Permission Slip (Google Forms version)
  • Snow Glow Permission Slip (printable version)

A SignUpGenius link for adult volunteers to help with event setup, chaperoning, and post-event cleanup will be posted closer to the event.

Snowglow snowflake logo